Want better reviews but don't have the time?

Shout About Us helps you automate the process of getting more positive reviews, collecting customer feedback, and sending personalized replies.
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Trusted by over 10,000 local businesses

Choose the plan that fits your needs.


All-in-one review management platform

Review generation & surveys
Review monitoring
Review response dashboard
QR codes and review widgets
Review flagging dashboard
ReviewNavigator Plus

All-in-one review management platform + response service

Review generation & surveys
Review monitoring
Review response dashboard
QR codes and review widgets
Review flagging dashboard
Dedicated review responder
Custom, on-brand responses
24-hour response guarantee
Ability to approve/edit responses
Includes 50 responses/month
Overage fee of $.50/response for responses over 50 included


If you’re looking for a platform that can help you automate the process of collecting more reviews, monitor all of your customer feedback, and respond to your reviews from one place, ReviewNavigator has you covered. In addition to everything that’s included in ReviewNavigator, if you’re looking for help with responding to your online reviews then ReviewNavigator Plus is the plan for you. We’ll respond to all of your reviews with personalized, on-brand responses within 24 hours.

We support every major online review site as well as 50+ industry specific sites. If for some reason you use a review site that we don’t support, just let us know and we will quickly add it to the platform.

The short answer is, a little bit of both. Since we've been responding to online reviews with humans since 2014, we've used our team's experience to create our own AI-generated response technology that are creates highly personalized, on-brand replies. That being said, AI isn't always perfect so we make sure that each and every response is reviewed by our trained response team before it's submitted live to the review site or to your team for review.

You can count on Shout About Us to go the extra mile with best-in-class customer support via phone, text, and email. We respond to all customer requests within hours and are always available to jump on a phone/zoom call to find a resolution to your issue.

No, we do not have long-term contracts and you can cancel your subscription at any time if you're not happy with our service.